Sunday, April 28, 2013

BriefFRIDAY - 4/12/13

This week has been rather quiet on the campaign trail.  Work is another story -  it’s always a zoo after being out on vacation.

Tuesday was the Culver’s fundraiser.  The weather was beautiful and the place was busy all day long.  I’m looking forward to finding out the final donation amount; it was really nice of them (running friend Tony and his family) to take part and gift 10% of the day’s sales to LLS.  Given the fact that Tony has had to put up with me on many runs over the last couple years, you’d think he’d keep on running.  The other way. 
Jen sent out the newsletter to us today.  Allow me to share it with you in conclusion to today’s BriefFRIDAY:
Good morning!

Auction items and Grand Finale Presentation Forms were due last week.  Are all of your items turned in?

Total Funds Raised to Date :: $137,109.15 

Grand Finale Responsibilities | What to expect!

·        Please arrive at Ceruti’s Diamond Room at 6:00 p.m. for candidate pictures before the guests arrive.

·        Please be prepared with an acceptance speech. We will be asking the winners to say a few words.

·        Candidates are encouraged to dress in black tie, while the attire for all other Grand Finale Gala attendees is black tie optional.

Campaign Deadlines | Stay on track!

·        Wednesday, April 10 :: ADS NO LONGER AVAILABLE!

We have reached our print deadline for the program book and will no longer accept ad purchases, and ads will no longer be a part of sponsorship recognition. 

·        Friday, April 12  :: Guest List Deadline – DUE TOMORROW!

Please turn in the names of guests for tables earned.  If you have any questions about the amount of seats you have earned or have been purchased on your behalf, please contact me.  Team members can make purchases at, then click on ‘Meet the Candidates’.  Select your candidate then click on ‘Attend the Gala’ on the right of their page.

·        Friday, April 24 :: Donation Collection Deadline
All monies raised by each candidate, including sponsorship and matching gift commitments, must be received by LLS no later than 3 p.m. on May 10. Cash, checks and credit cards will be accepted the night of the Grand Finale through ballot boxes and donation texts. 

·       Friday, April 26 :: Grand Finale Galawinners announced!

6:30-10 p.m. (6:00 p.m. start time for candidates)

Ceruti’s Diamond Room at Summit Park 

As always, please let me know if you need anything at all and have a wonderful weekend!  J

(Go Braves!)

Jennifer Alia | Campaign Manager

Man & Woman of the Year
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society | Northeast Branch | Indiana Chapter

P.O. Box 80365, Fort Wayne, IN 46898
Direct & Fax 260.432.5953
| Toll Free 877.422.8389


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